Professional Development and Promotion

There are times in our professional lives when we feel as if we are “stuck”, as if things are not changing and have become part of a daily routine.

That’s something a lot of people like, are comfortable with, and don’t want to change.

However, there are people who would like to take the “next step”, feel ready for it, feel the energy and drive within themselves, have dreams and ambitions. They like their job, but now feel they can – and want – to develop, to go one step further, to take on bigger challenges and more (or different) tasks.

If you are among these people, together we will discover your achievements, your strengths, we will define Goals and Milestones that will help your development as a person and as a professional.

We will start with a Reality Mapping: where you are now, what is your professional environment, what other obligations do you have, what have you achieved so far, what are your knowledge and experiences, what are your skills.

Even if some of them seem obvious or are not visible at first glance, there are techniques that will help us bring them to the surface.


Then we will set realistic goals that will bring you closer to your next dream, to the next step of your ambition. We will do a reality check to understand what knowledge and skills you acquire, and possibly which ones need strengthening and in what ways. Do you have all the tools required or do we need to delve into some of them together (such as your Personal Brand)?

It will be a unique journey of personal empowerment, self-awareness and the right boost for the next step in your career!

What to expect

  • The final mix of methods, tools, techniques and number of sessions depends on each case separately, the degree of readiness of the individual and the desired result.
  • In any case, we decide the number of sessions and the steps to be followed. All of the above will be recorded in the cooperation offer you will receive by email after the initial meeting and discussion meeting of the initial need.

  • The service is offered in Greek and English.


What is Career Coaching?

Career coaching aims to support the individual to develop and manage their professional career. Through Career Coaching, professional goals are defined, self-awareness of the individual is worked on, professional skills are developed and challenges that are often encountered in work environments, are faced.

Career Coaching is especially useful for people who are in transition periods in their careers, such as recent graduates with a bachelor’s or master’s degree, employees who are considering a career change, or people who wish to further develop their professional careers.

Why is it a “Lab”?

Because personal development is a continuous process. It has no end. It has evolution, observation, controlled experimentation, calculated risk and transformation into something more desirable for the individual.

What is the process in the Career Coaching Lab?
  • First we book a free 30-minute introductory meeting to get to know each other and understand if I can be of help to you, with the challenge you are facing or what you would like to improve.
  • If we go ahead and decide to work together, we co-decide and co-sign our own “Cooperation Agreement”: a form that states the main purpose of our collaboration, the number of sessions, the frequency, the duration, the cost, the procedure for canceling sessions, etc.
  • It goes without saying that flexibility characterizes us! Wherever and whenever required, we make as many changes as are needed, with prior consultation and a positive attitude, for the smooth functioning of our cooperation.
  • We conduct digital or live sessions as pre-agreed
  • Upon completion of the scheduled sessions, we can either continue with some additional sessions if deemed appropriate, or complete as previously agreed upon.
  • At the end of each round of Coaching sessions, I will ask you for a written evaluation of our collaboration (optional participation on your part).
  • We can repeat more than one Coaching cycle, whenever you feel you need it.
How are the sessions conducted?

Sessions are held online (MS Teams, Zoom, Google Meet) or in person if circumstances allow.

How long is each session?

The duration of each session is 60 minutes. But it may be extended up to 75 minutes, depending on the topic and the flow of the discussion, as we believe that, when necessary, space and time should be given to smoothly conclude a session. The extension of time, when it happens, is without extra monetary charge.

In which languages are the sessions held?

Sessions can be held in Greek and English.

How will we work?

When we start our collaboration, it is important to define what is the challenge to work on.

Then, a bunch of tools and methods on goal setting, problem solving, developmental Coaching, Positive Psychology and NLP models and tools will be used.

Often there will also be a need to do “homework” such as an exercise, self-observation, implementing a new tool or behavior, journaling, etc.

What are our Values in Career Coaching Lab?

At Career Coaching Lab, the Personality, Uniqueness and Diversity of each person plays a primary role.

For us, Respect, Integrity, Authenticity, Transparency, Trust, Discretion and Confidentiality are the cornerstones of collaboration and the way we think and develop interpersonal relationships.

Our deep desire is to make you feel good about yourself, to accept them, to admire them for what they have achieved so far and for what they can still achieve, if they desire so.

What are the benefits of coaching?

Coaching can help achieve goals, develop new skills, increase self-confidence, improve professional performance and find balance between personal and professional life.

When will I know if I have achieved my goal?

We will often do “check ups” to see where we are in relation to our original goal or if the original goal needs redefinition / reframing (something quite common in Coaching).

However, the time it takes for a person to realize the results from the Coaching process, can vary depending on the person’s goals, dedication and cooperation with the Coach.

What is the difference between Coaching and Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy mainly focuses on the treatment of psychopathological problems and diseases, while coaching focuses on personal development and improvement in skills. Coaching usually focuses on the future and goals, while psychotherapy may include analysis of past events. In addition, coaching cannot substitute for psychiatrist treatment / monitoring.

If during the Coaching process it is realised that the person’s request exceeds the limits of the coaching process, a referral will be made to a Psychologist or Psychiatrist as defined by the Code of Ethics ( and the cooperation with the Coach will be completed.

Code of Conduct and Privacy

To ensure the high quality of services, as well as to define the framework of professional cooperation, we follow:

  1. The Code of Ethics in the provision of Lifelong Vocational Guidance and Career Counseling of the National Certification Body EOPPEP

  1. The Global Code of Ethics For Coaches, Mentors and Supervisors by the European Mentoring Coaching Council (EMCC Europe)

If not all your questions have been resolved, do not hesitate to contact me.

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